Saturday, 3 January 2015

Cancer and Vegetables

I just came across this article about 6-thiodG(Click me to read about it) and how it is a potential weapon against cancer. Cancer is something that can happen due to mutations, passive smoking and therefore due to almost no fault of yours. Although there is no guarantee of preventing cancer even if you follow a healthy diet and not drink alcohol or smoke. But as the saying goes, Prevention is better than a Cure, hence you should do your best to protect yourself from this disease.

As you all know that my aim is to produce low cost organic vegetables, at home, on a terrace, using recyclable items and therefore make it available to almost all.

Before I go on, do take a look at the following pages, they tell you about how certain vegetables can help prevent cancer. The most common vegetables/fruits are - Tomatoes, Strawberries, Garlic, Beans, Cabbages, Cauliflower, Green leafy vegetable(Spinach, Radish leaves)

Now, you know what you should eat, you should also know that you should eat the right thing. Pesticides are also harmful and certain pesticides are also know to cause cancer. So, even if you are eating the right vegetable, it doesn't necessarily mean that you are eating the right thing. Hence, better be careful and grow your own veggies, this way you know that whatever you are eating, it is true and absolutely unadulterated.

My blog has "How to Grow" instructions  on some vegetables, and I will be updating my blog with the rest.

I really hope that you could prevent cancer and may you live a healthy life.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!
    Excellent Post. You can get Tree seeds, Composting, Fruit Seeds, Plant Nutri Pack from Pioneer Agro Industry Shop.
